T H E S I S :

T H E S I S :

Human behaviors and social interactions have always been a focus of mine, and for this collection I decided to reflect on my own social interactions and relationships, I focused on how they start, evolve and end, as well as the impact that Proximity, Contact and Embrace have on them.

“Proximity” manifested itself in the first collaboration I had with the sculptor Ivy Castellanos. It was my first time working with steel, a rigid and resilient material unlike fabrics, the outcome was what I called “ Body Extensions”.
Steel sculptors that were inspired by the outline of embrace, This idea links to proximity and contact and by wearing these pieces you are extending your private space.

“Contact” shaped an experiment I did in Washington Square Park where I approached strangers and asked if I could touch their face. I was trying to combine the two aspects of initial contact when you meet someone which is one shaking hands and two the cheek to cheek. Their reactions were very important and made me think of how you leave a trace when your skin touches someone else’s I kind of stepped out of my comfort zone on that one, because I was a bit uncomfortable. which lead me to think of how I can obstruct touch, and that brought me to the glove element in my collection.

“Embrace” was embodied in the way I thought about identity and individuality and how sometimes these two notions collide in presence of an embrace. This is why I applied this to materials, and items of clothing, where identities were switched, a pair of old stocking turned into a top and a turtle neck turned into a skirt.